Silicon Valley based IT Software company
Systena America Inc. is Japanese Software development
company that is located in Silicon Valley, USA.
We develop a wide range of businesses related to IT and software.
Also, we will co-create new businesses such as introducing DX
into corporate activities and contracting software development.
Systena America Inc. is Japanese Software development company that is located in Silicon Valley, USA.
Also, we will co-create new businesses such as introducing DX into corporate activities and contracting software development.
“Canbus” digitizes your business, and this app goes paperless
Unlimited users
Available for
“Canbus” digitizes your business,
and this app goes paperless
November 6, 2023
StrongKey,Inc.のセキュリティ認証技術FIDOパスキーが米国大手通信事業者、欧州大手製薬会社に採用 (316.03KB)
March 20, 2023
Systena America Inc.が米国シリコンバレー拠点にてパナソニックオートモーティブシステムズ株式会社との実証実験プログラムを実施 (229.69KB)
January 13, 2023
米国グループ会社StrongKeyがスマートホーム標準規格「Matter」に対応したPKIを提供開始 (658KB)